Work Packages and Tasks

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Work package Title and scientists in charge Tasks and task coordinators
WP 1

Effects of the decline of the Arctic sea ice cover on the physical-oceanographic processes in the Siberian shelf seas

Dr. Jens Hölemann / Prof. Dr. Vladimir Ivanov

Task A: Assessment of the vertical and horizontal structure of water masses in the Laptev Sea over the course of the year (Mikhail Makhotin)

Task B: Investigation of the influence of shelf processes on the Arctic Boundary Current (Dr. Jens Hölemann)

Task C: Modeling and reanalysis of the sea ice cover to assess the dynamics of the water masses in the Siberian shelf seas (Prof. Dr. Vladimir Ivanov)

WP 2

Interactions in the atmosphere/land/sea ice/ocean system under the conditions of climate change and reduced sea ice coverage and their impact on the Arctic transpolar system

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Günther Heinemann / Dr. Alexandr Makshtas

Task A: Experimental investigation of the Arctic atmospheric boundary layer (Dr. Alexandr Makshtas)

Task B: Analysis of sea ice dynamics in Siberian shelf seas and the Arctic Ocean with remote sensing methods (Dr. Sascha Willmes)

Task C: Simulation of the atmosphere/ocean/cryosphere interactions during climate change (Univ.-Prof. Dr. Günther Heinemann)

WP 3

Biogeochemical cycles in the Laptev Sea

Prof. Dr. Martin Frank / Andrey Novikhin

Task A: Assessment of the mechanisms controlling the transformation of nutrients in the Laptev Sea (Dr. Georgi Laukert)

Task B: Investigation of the changes of the hydrochemical structure of the Laptev Sea (Andrey Novikhin)

WP 4

Ecological risks of climate change in the Siberian shelf seas

Prof. Dr. Dieter Piepenburg / Dr. Vasilii Povazhnyi

Task A: Investigation of the dynamics of marine ecosystems (Prof. Dr. Dieter Piepenburg)

Task B: Assessment of changes in biological communities of the Siberian shelf seas (Dr. Vasilii Povazhnyi)

WP 5

Long-term changes of the climate system and reconstruction of the paleo climate of the Arctic

Dr. Robert Spielhagen / Prof. Dr. Leonid Timokhov

Task A: Investigation of the long-term changes of the thermohaline state of the Arctic transpolar system (Prof. Dr. Leonid Timokhov)

Task B: Assessment of the variability of Atlantic water masses since the last glacial period (Dr. Robert Spielhagen)

WP 6

Project management

Dr. Heidemarie Kassens / Prof. Dr. Vladimir Ivanov