Task 2C

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Modeling of atmosphere/sea-ice/ocean interaction

Task C will improve the understanding and quantification of the impact of atmosphere/sea-ice/ocean interactions using high-resolution regional modeling for present and future climates. We will use the high-resolution regional climate model CCLM (climate version of COSMO) adapted to the Arctic (5-15 km resolution) and the sea-ice/ocean model FESOM of Work Package 1. The in¬creased resolution compared to global reanalyses and coarse climate models is important for a more realistic simulation of extremes and atmosphere/sea-ice/ocean inter¬actions. CCLM data will be used as atmospheric input for the FESOM simulations, but also for remote-sensing methods of the project. The focus of the simulations lies on the climate of the past 10-30 years (nested in ERA-Interim) and on climate scenarios of the end of the 21st century (nested in ECHAM). A regional focus will be on the western Laptev Sea where it is of particular interest to understand how polynya processes and atmospheric forcing, such as wind extremes, influence the oceanic exchange between the Laptev and Kara seas and how these processes will change in the future. A verification of the simulations will be performed using observations of Task A.

Trier University will perform the simulations using COSMO and FESOM while AWI will use the results for Work Package 1 (see below for a detailed description of the research in Task 2C for which the CATS scientists apply for funding on the German side). AARI will verify model results by means of direct observa¬tions from Task A.


Task coordinator

Guenther Heinemann Trier University


Key collaborators

Vladimir Ivanov Arctic and Antactic Research Institute
Torsten Kanzow Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research
Svenja Kohnemann Trier University
Alexandr Makshtas Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute
Frank Schnaase Trier University